- The Wolverine

Cockrum , Giant-Size X-Men #1.
and ™ by Marvel Characters, Inc.
Logan returns to Canada and moves to Alpha
Base as Canada's official superhero, known as Weapon X and The
Wolverine, under the auspices of Department H and the Canadian
#94 (Aug 1975) - "Chapter One: The Doomsmith Scenario"
Chris Claremont; Plotter: Len Wein; Artist: Dave Cockrum
Wolverine comments after joining the X-Men, "...it
sure beats sittin' round Alpha Base waitin' for a go call."
#106 (Aug 1977) - "Dark Shroud of the Past"
Chris Claremont; Penciler: Bob Brown (flashback); Inker: Tom
Wolverine, in describing the difficulty of the
X-Men's Danger Room, states, “…These lasers is a peach compared
to runnin' the assault course at Alpha Base.”
Comics #50 (1990) – “Life's End, Part III
: Breaking Point”
Erik Larsen; Penciler: Erik Larsen; Inker: Joe Rubinstein
is friends with a mysterious superhero who he calls “Captain.”
Logan alone seems to be concerned for his welfare later in life,
especially when his mutant daughter gets kidnapped, suggesting
that he knew them before he joined the X-Men. After freeing
father and daughter, Logan
helps them gain
new identities, as the Becks.
The Web site,
www.marvunapp.com, reports that Erik Larsen wrote this appearance
as a tribute to CC Beck, the creator of DC Comics' Captain Marvel
(see http://www.marvunapp.com/Appendix/crtmss.htm).
Special #1 (1991) - “A Miracle A Few Blocks Down From 34th Street”
Scott Lobdell; Artist: Dave Cockrum; Inker: Joe Rubinstein
Wolverine recognizes Unus the Untouchable from
his Department H file. It is probable that Wolverine spent much
of his time researching other superheroes.
…At some point, Wolverine is recruited for a mission involving
time travel to 1936 to fight the Nazis…

Leonardi and Al Williamson, X-Men: True Friends #3.
and ™ by Marvel Characters, Inc.
True Friends #2 (Oct 1999) – “Royal Hunt”
Chris Claremont; Penciler: Rick Leonardi; Inker: Al Williamson
& Jimmy Palmiotti
In Edinburgh,
1936, Alasdhair Kinross crosses paths with Kitty Pryde, a young
mutant teammate of Logan
's from the 1990s
who accidentally travels back in time by 60 years with another
mutant, Rachel Summers. After a confrontation with Nazis Baron
Von Strucker and Geist, and a dangerous Egyptian telepath Amahl
Farouk who seek to assist in usurping the British throne, Kinross
and Pryde are dumped in the Edinburgh
harbor and left
for dead. Logan
dives in after
them and rescues Kitty while Kinross makes the surface under
his own power. Logan
introduces himself
as Wolverine, and shields Kitty's body when faced with a hail
of bullets from pursuing Nazis. Logan
quickly recovers
and attacks the Nazis, using his claws to wipe out the Nazi
As noted before, the only way to explain the existence
of Wolverine and his claws in 1936 is to have Logan
from his Department
H/Alpha Base days transported through time. Since Logan
claims to have
never met Kitty Pryde, we can surmise this adventure took place
before he joined the X-Men. Logan
says, “Some people
I work with called in a marker, said there'd be trouble, young
folks needin' help.” Perhaps Landau, Luckman and Lake
or some government
agency requested that Wolverine travel back in time to protect
Kitty and Kinross. As Logan
says, “I'm a sucker
for thumpin' Nazis.” According to the Chris
Claremont Checklist, X-Men: True Friends
was originally written and penciled in 1990, but not published
until 1999.
True Friends #3 (Nov 1999) – “Claiming the Crown”
Chris Claremont; Penciler: Rick Leonardi; Inker: Al Williamson
takes Kitty Pryde and Alasdhair Kinross to the home of Mr. Raven
Darkholme (later the villain Mystique), a consulting detective,
and Miss Irene Adler (later Destiny of the second Brotherhood
of Mutants), a blind psychic with the ability to see possible
futures. It seems that at least Miss Adler is quite familiar
with Logan ,
calling him, “my dear friend.” Kitty announces her plans to
take down the Third Reich to prevent the Holocaust, but Irene
Adler privately expresses concerns about the impact of altering
a set history. Before Kitty can act, she receives a telepathic
vision from Rachel Summers (her time-travelling companion who
is now under the control of Amahl Farouk) that Alasdhair Kinross's
cousin, Lilibet, has escaped a kidnapping by the Nazis. Logan,
Kitty and Alasdhair rush to rescue Lilibet. When the threesome
finally do track down the Nazis at the Royal Palace of Holyrood
House, Logan tears off the roof of the Nazis' sedan with his
claws, revealing Farouk, Strucker and Geist. Farouk psychically
blasts Logan
to the ground while Strucker shoots him several times. When
comes to, Strucker and Farouk are gone, and Geist is incapacitated,
courtesy of Kitty Pryde who phased his leg into the pavement.
Heading inside, Logan
plans to incapacitate
the Scottish guards under Farouk's psychic control but is attacked
by the psychic mutant Rachel Summers. Shortly, Rachel drags
into the underground throne room where Farouk and Strucker stand
over Kitty and Lilibut. When Kitty phases through Farouk to
disrupt his psychic powers, Logan
leaps up and attack
Strucker who is armed with a sword. As they parry, sword against
claws, Logan
quickly shows up Germany
's top swordsman.
Strucker counters with a sword thrust through Logan's
midsection, but Logan
takes the shot
in stride, quickly defeating Strucker with a little help from
his healing factor. Kitty, meanwhile, defeats Farouk with help
from Rachel Summers, freed from Farouk's control, and the Sword
of Scone. In a blast of light, Kitty and Rachel return to their
present, presumably, so does Logan
Expanding upon the time-traveling theory, it is possible
that Logan,
Raven Darkholme (or Mystique), and Irene Adler were recruited
in early 1970s together to run this mission in 1936. This is
the cleanest explanation since it would not necessitate Logan
knowing Irene
Adler in 1936. To further bolster the theory of Logan
's time-travel,
we find Logan
paraphrasing Magnum Force (1973) in 1936, “I guess
the man doesn't know his limitations.” And while battling Baron
Strucker, Logan makes more comments that are in line with his
future self, “Kill me as many times as you like, my healing
factor will always bring me back. I'm the new kid on the block,
the next generation of humanity's evolution.” Also note that
when Kitty returns to the present, her time-travels are confirmed
by Logan
and other present in the past, suggesting that the events took
place within our continuity and not some alternate timeline.
does display a sense of humor about his age, when he implies
he knew Ben Franklin. That is, of course, an impossibility,
but it would speak to the realization that he is quite old.
X-Men #1 (Jul 2001) – “Now, It Begins!”
Chris Claremont & Salvador
Sage, a mutant with a computer-like memory, reveals the
history of Irene Adler and Raven Darkholme. “Irene Adler was
a child of privilege, born to an age when science and romance
walked hand in hand… When she was 13… she gained the ability
to perceive the future, in all its myriad permutations… but
had become physically blind…. To aid her in her quest, she enlisted
the services of a consulting detective named Raven Darkholme.
Ultimately, Raven became Mystique. Irene Adler became Destiny.”
Unlimited #9 (Aug 2005) – “Dead Man Walking”
Matt Fraction and Sam Keith
Logan reminisces about his clashes with the Nazis in
a likely reference to his time-traveling escapades. He also
remembers nearly being trampled by horses trying to get away
from poachers who he later killed. And he remembers sharing
these stories and more with a good friend, Johnny, who he used
to drink to excess with. Johnny is a merchant marine, a drinking
buddy and a boxer. One night after an especially memorable fight
and even more memorable evening of drinking, Logan and Johnny
are attacked. Johnny is shot trying to protect Logan , sending
Logan into a rage that results in the miscreants being carved
up by Logan 's claws. Johnny is gimpy from the attack and is
forced to walk with a cane, but his girl Grace helps him get
through it all.
With all of the events of this story taking place in
flashback, I took the easiest route and placed them all together
in the same time period. Since most of the flashbacks include
with his claws, it seems most probable that it would take place
shortly after his trip back to Nazi Germany.
Dark Night of Judgment (2000)
William Tucci and Beau Smith; Inker: Rich Perotta
is again summoned to fight for the legendary Kage Ryu' dragon
warriors against the Sohei warrior monks of Kyoto
in the Quarter
War of 1975. Logan
is clearly considered
to be the greatest warrior of the Kage Ryu' as a result of his
third consecutive victory over the Sohei warrior monks. Note
that as this information is from a cross-comic company storyline
(Marvel and Crusade Entertainment) with characters not traditionally
from Marvel continuity (Shi), the veracity of these events is
Soultaker #1 (May 2005) – “Chapter One: The Mark of Mana”
Akira Yoshida; Illustrator: Shin “Jason” Nagasawa
Logan visits
an old friend in Tokyo,
an expert in Japanese magic. Logan
states, “I've known
Kenichiro for years. There ain't nothin' mystical or magical happening
in Japan
this cat don't know about.” It is conceivable that Logan
met him through
his encounter with the Quarter War of 1975.
#118 (Feb, 1979)/Classic X-Men #24 (Aug 1988) – “The Submergence
of Japan ”
Chris Claremont; Penciler: John Byrne & Kieron Dwyer; Inker:
Ric Villamonte & Terry Austin
Wolverine reminisces while in Japan that, “I was
a punk kid last time I was in Japan . I didn't figure on ever
comin' back.” When Chris Claremont fleshed out these early X-Men
stories some nine years later in Classic X-Men , he
changed the internal dialogue to, “I was a punk kid first time
I came to Japan . An' the last time I left, I didn't figure
on ever coming back.” Can the two versions of dialogue be reconciled?
It is conceivable Logan views much of his life before joining
the X-Men (when he saves the galaxy from destruction for instance)
as when he was a “punk kid.” This is a Logan-esque view of the
world: he has grown up only recently, his earlier life lived
as a punk kid.
…While delving through Department H information, Logan
apparently becomes
aware of connections with the old Weapon X program, a program
that he still has no memory of…
#129 (Oct 1998) – “Whatever It Takes…”
Todd Dezago; Penciler: Leinil Francis Yu; Inker: Edgar Tadeo
Wolverine internally monologues, “'cause of my healing
factor, I was a candidate for an experimental process funded
by an off-shoot of the Canadian Military called Department H.
It was called the Weapon X Program. Through months o' agonizing
pain, they were able to lace my skeleton with unbreakable adamantium.”
This is the first time Wolverine connects Department H directly
with Experiment X. We have no proof Department H ran the program,
and we know that James Hudson was not involved.
New Avengers: Illuminati #1 (May 2006)
Writer: Brian Michael Bendis; Artist: Alex Maleev
In a secret meeting with Prince Namor, the Sub-Mariner; Charles Xavier; Reed Richards; Iron Man, Dr. Strange, Black Bolt (King of the Inhumans), and the Black Panther, Namor cites a rumor about “a mutant assassin working for Canadian Secret Services.” Later in the meeting, Xavier asks to talk about Krakoa, an island in the South Pacific. This would suggest that it was Namor who first brings Logan to Xavier’s attention prior to the recruitment of the new X-Men.
X-Men #1 (May 1975) - "Second Genesis"
and Co-Creator: Len Wein; Illustrator and Co-Creator: Dave Cockrum
Professor Charles Xavier arranges a meeting with Weapon
X at a top secret Canadian military base in Quebec
and offers the
Wolverine the chance to join the X-Men. The Wolverine, intrigued
at the opportunity of becoming a free agent, agrees. When his
commanding officer, Chasen, objects, the Wolverine slices his
tie and resigns his commission from the Canadian military "---effective

Cockrum , Giant-Size X-Men #1.
and ™ by Marvel Characters, Inc.
X-Men: Second Genesis (1994)
Writer: Paul Mantell and Avery Hart (adapted from Giant-Size X-Men #1)
It is interesting to note that in this children's book adaptation (a Bullseye Book published by Random House), the commanding officer that Wolverine confronts is listed as General Bradford, not Major Chasen. This is the only known instance of General Bradford.
Flight #17 (Dec 1984) – “Dreams Die Hard”
John Byrne
Heather Hudson relates to Logan the repercussions
of his resignation. James Hudson was showing off his new Vindicator
battlesuit to Heather (ostensibly upgraded since Weapon X gutted
him and the suit), when Gary Cody storms in with an emergency.
Major Chasen is on the vidcom, furious over Weapon X's actions.
Feeling betrayed, Mac broods over Logan 's departure until he
is summoned to the Canadian Prime Minister's office and ordered
to retrieve Wolverine from the United States , due in part to
the millions of dollars the Canadian government had invested
in him.
#144 (Nov 1999) – “First Cut”
Erik Larsen & Eric Stephenson; Penciler: Mike Miller; Inker:
Vince Russell
In a conversation with SHIELD agent Dum Dum Dugan,
confirms that he was with Department H when he joined the X-Men.
X-Men #25/2 (Sept 1988) – “Just Don't Look in its Eyes…”
Ann Nocenti; Artist: John Bolton
It is clear that even though Logan
resigned from
Department H, he still maintained ties with Canadian Intelligence
based on the fact that he continued to run missions for them
even though he worked with the X-Men in the United
States .
…Back in Canada
, the government
considers other options in replacing Wolverine…
Blood and Metal #1 (Oct 1992)
Fabian Nicieza; Penciler: John Romita, Jr.; Inker: Dan Green
Under the auspices of Commander
and General Clarke,
Garrison Kane is turned into the new Weapon X, apparently sponsored
through the Canadian government's Department K. It seems that
the Canadian government adopted the Experiment X program when
it was discovered and began integrating it after Wolverine resigned.
#57 (Oct 2001) – “Deadpool: Agent of Weapon X, Part 1: Facelift”
Frank Tieri; Penciler: Georges Jeanty; Inker: Jon Holdredge
with Vines
Kane is confirmed as a one-time human member from
one of the previous Weapon X projects.
#143 (Oct 1999) – “Rebirth”
Erik Larsen & Eric Stephenson; Penciler: Leinil Francis
Yu; Inker: Dexter Vines
Kane claims that he and Wolverine were “…reshaped
by the same government program.”
'98 (1998) – “A Kiss, a Curse, a Cure”
Joe Kelly; Penciler: Steve Harris; Inker: Reggie Jones
Wade Wilson, a mercenary with terminal cancer,
volunteers for Department K experimentation where his cancer
is cured by a mutant healing factor implant from Weapon X (Logan).
Unable to make it as a superhero, he is dropped from the Weapon
X program into a sadistic dead pool of washouts. Wade escapes,
but loses his mind in the process.
…Finally, General Clarke, Technical Director of Department H
(circa 1998), does float a false history of Logan
Flight (Vol. 2) #8 (Mar 1998) – “The Weapon X Files”
Steve Seagle; Penciler: Scott Clark; Inker: Chris Carlson
General Clarke explains, “The Chi Protocols
were initiated by the Ministry of Defense as a counter to America
's ‘Super Soldier
Serum' program; to generate champions for Canada.”
General Clarke suggests, “A man known only as Logan
broke free from
McNally Penitentiary where he was serving time for assault and
robbery. Wielding a knife he had fashioned from one of his own
finger bones, Logan
murdered two prison
guards in making his escape. At the age of 26, Logan
had already worked
secret service missions as a soldier of fortune and a marksman.
During that time he lost his sanity and became a cold-blooded
killing machine. He followed up his prison break with a second
major crime spree near Halifax
, Nova
Scotia stealing
the helicopter of an island delivery service to make good his
escape. Unfortunately for Logan
, the helicopter
had only fuel to make it into dense forests slightly to the
west where it crashed a short time later. There were bones found
near the crash site gnawed to almost nothing. Department investigators
speculate that Logan
may have eaten
a lost hunter in the area in order to survive. Whatever he ate,
he contracted a nearly fatal illness… Logan
was found in the
forest by future Alpha member, Michael Twoyoungmen a.k.a. Shaman.
Shaman's mystic powers drew him to Logan
's dark psyche,
and for reasons known only to him, Shaman chose to nurse Logan
back to health
and provide him with a totem that to this day gives Weapon X
the ability to heal himself. For a long time, Logan
lived in the wilds,
elusive as the Wendigo. It was during this period that Heather
and [James McDonald] came upon him during [their] honeymoon,
and to save [Heather's] life, [James Hudson] shot Logan
in the chest a
point-blank range. Facing possible extradition which he knew
would lead to his permanent incarceration, Logan
was given the
alternative option of trading in his identity and his checkered
past with it for extensive physical and behavioral modifications
as part of his Chi Protocols. Though potentially life threatening,
also volunteered to have his skeletal structure bonded with
adamantium, the world's rarest, strongest and most expensive
metal. The documents Logan
signed at the
time of this process stated that if he ever left the program,
the adamantium would remain the property of Canada
. He underwent
hours of exhaustive counseling and therapy to both rehabilitate
his dark side and temper his violent tendencies. The protocols
and treatments were both resounding successes. Canada
finally had her
champion. Weapon X was born. Unfortunately, the service of Weapon
X didn't last long. After a few sanctioned missions, he fled
and has lived as an illegal alien in the United
States acting
as a member of the X-Men ever since.” General Clarke later admits
the story is fabricated.

Clark and Chris Carlson, Alpha Flight (Vol. 2) #8.
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